The shit show that was 2020 had its pros and cons for us all and without going into an essay about how it effected me lets just say I got a new perspective on life's priorities. I also noted that of all the changes and customisations couples were having to make to their plans to celebrate their union there wasn't a lot of flexibility from those servicing them from my industry. The perception of value, and therefore amount charged, is very much that of the photographers and the ability to assess that from the couple is limited to a few portfolio wedding galleries on our websites. Mine even less so as I do offer, and get good take up on, private wedding coverage where I don't use people intimate images for marketing.
So, that's why I've decide to go this way. So my couples can customise their photography needs while receiving a true value for money transaction by allowing them to decide on the value their images have to them.
True, this idea may not work some of the time and I might end up working with people who don’t resinate with my work and are instead simply looking for a bargain but I don’t think that will be the case on the whole. I think most of us are more honest than that and will appreciate the chance to enjoy transacting on a level like this with another human. With albums being a huge part of what I do I needed to continue to offer albums to those that want them so these will be offered with a small design fee of $250 and cost price album printing via my favourite local album creator. Hopefully this will allow those wanting to get their hands on an album to do so while continuing to support other local small businesses. And for those wanting prints/frames they will also be offered at cost.
If this approach resonates with you AND the style of photography I offer, and the way I go about capturing it, also does then please get in touch.